(7 minute read)

You did it! You set a goal, you achieved it, and now you want to reward yourself. But you remember you are on a debt-free, payoff journey, and instantly your heart falls flat. Our typical rewards before we were on a debt-free journey (and pretty much any celebration pre-2020) were things you had to pay for – going out to eat, purchasing drinks, or buying yourself those pair of shoes you’ve been eyeing for a while. And while treating yourself by spending money is a fabulous thing to do (because let’s face it, living in sacrifice gets really old, really fast), it’s always a good idea to have many FREE ways to reward any accomplishment in your back pocket. So I’ve put together my top 10 ways to reward yourself that won’t bust your budget, so the next time you hit a money milestone, you have a way to commemorate it. 

1. Give yourself a spa day (in your own bathroom)

Nothing says “reward” like a spa day, but you don’t have to spend any money to get one. Fill your bathtub with hot, soapy water, light a candle, and put on your favorite music or movie. And instead of buying expensive bath salts, put in a couple of drops of vanilla extract. The smell will comfort you like fresh baked goods out of the oven without costing you a cent. No doubt, after an hour of that, you’ll feel like you just left the spa (but you didn’t, and it was free!). 

2. Have a gourmet meal (by cooking it yourself!)

Maybe cooking is overwhelming to you, or you burn even the simplest things. But I promise you, ANYONE can cook these 15 simple yet fancy recipes, and every one of them will make you feel like you just went to the hottest restaurant in town. Consider inviting over some friends and making it a group event to really reward yourself because most celebrations are incomplete without friends to share it with.

3. Go shopping (in a friend’s closet!)

Shopping is probably the number one way I hear that people reward themselves after achieving a goal, but it costs money, and if you aren’t careful, it can be downright expensive. Instead of heading to the mall to buy something new, ask a friend or several friends to get together to do a clothing swap. Do you have things in your closet that you don’t wear anymore? Bring a couple of items with you and really make one of your friend’s day! Now that sounds like a good, free way to reward yourself!

4. Take a (much needed) day off for absolutely no reason

I regularly feel like I need a “reason” to take a day off from work. I think “I need to be sick” or “I need to have a scheduled vacation” to request a day off. But taking a day off for absolutely no reason is one of my favorite ways to reward an accomplishment. Taking time to yourself, albeit a mental health day, or just a day to sit on your couch and binge-watch your favorite TV show, is a great way to recharge and reward a milestone – all for free (and if you are salaried, you might even be getting PAID to take that day off. Doesn’t that feel incredible?!)

5. Sleep in (and don’t feel guilty about it.)

Gosh, when is the last time you slept in? It usually never happens during the week, but even on the weekends, I sometimes feel guilty about staying in bed till 10, 11, or even noon (could you imagine?!) But sleep is so important that it is the perfect thing to catch up on and give yourself as a reward. For your next money milestone (or any milestone you achieve), pick an upcoming weekend day and sleep in! Make sure your bedroom is nice and dark, consider shoving a blanket or towel under the door or around your windows to make sure no light seeps in, drop your thermostat to 65 degrees (it’s the ideal sleeping temperature, says the experts), turn on your white noise machine, and enjoy hours of blissful, uninterrupted sleep. You’ve earned it!

6. Go on vacation (in your own town.)

When was the last time you were a tourist in your own town? As someone who lives in vacation-land full time (Charleston, SC has frequently ranked the #1 vacation destination in the US), there is real value to getting out and seeing your town as if you are on vacation. Vacations are often marked by mid-day splurge meals, spending time wandering around outdoors, discovering things, and permanently living in your swimsuit. However, regardless of what climate you live in, simply seeing your city through the eyes of a vacationer will instantly put you in a good mood. And being happy is the ultimate reward.  

7. Have a movie day (complete with popcorn!)

With all the stream services we have access to today, finding the ability to watch a movie has never been easier. However, PICKING a movie to watch seems to be the problem now, haha. Regardless, when you want to reward yourself, consider celebrating with a binge day on the couch. Wear your comfy pants, pop some movie-quality popcorn, and add all the sappy rom coms to your watch list that you want to. Indulgence is the best way to reward yourself, especially when it is free. 

8. Sign up for Robinhood and get a stock for free!

Okay, so maybe signing up for an investment app sounds like a weird way to reward yourself, but it’s actually the best way to reward yourself if you ask me. All too often, we reward ourselves in ways that cost money instead of thinking about ways we can reward ourselves and MAKE money while doing it. 

Investing (when done with a long term goal in mind) is essentially participating in a process to earn free money over time. But if you’ve never invested before, it might be a daunting thing to start doing. So consider investing in partial stocks using an app like Robinhood, where you can put any amount (yes, literally ANY amount) towards the purchase of a stock and be a partial owner. And when you sign up using my link, they will give you a stock – for free, for simply linking your bank account – no spending necessary! Now isn’t getting FREE money for your achievements a great way to reward yourself? 

9. Volunteer at your local animal shelter or food bank

It may sound strange to consider giving back when you are looking for ways to reward yourself, but studies show that when we participate in altruistic activities, we are actually happier for longer than when we do something just for ourselves. Consider this: researchers found that, for a participant earning an average middle-class salary, volunteering was essentially “worth” approximately $1,100 per year. That is, volunteering would make someone as happy as having an extra $1,100. That’s a pretty amazing way to reward yourself, right?!

10. Indulge in a hobby for a whole afternoon

Are you into puzzles, reading books, knitting, or building model airplanes? Whatever your favorite hobby is, we all too often don’t give ourselves enough time to enjoy them fully. Sometimes we feel guilty that we are being indulgent when we want to sit down to play an instrument for an hour when there are dishes and laundry to do. But spending time on an activity that you enjoy can improve your mental health and wellbeing. And research shows that people with hobbies are less likely to suffer from stress, low mood, and depression. Next time you want to reward yourself, consider celebrating with extra time put towards your favorite activity. 

Now when you hit one of your money milestones or achieve a goal (no matter how small), you have my top 10 ways to reward yourself that won’t bust your budget. Let me know which one(s) you chose to do, or if there are free ways you reward yourself that I didn’t mention here by dropping me a line at amy@marryyourmoney.com 

As always, stay happy and healthy!
