When it comes to your money, “fear” can often feel like the largest part of it. It can show up
Talking about money with your significant other can be hard. The first time my fiance and I did I honestly would have rather shoved forks into my eyeballs than to be in that conversation.
Being in debt can make you feel any number of feelings, especially if you are in the kind of debt that society doesn’t value.
You did it! You set a goal, you achieved it, and now you want to reward yourself. But you remember you are on a debt-free, payoff journey, and instantly your heart falls flat.
Have you ever looked at your bank account after a weekend and say to yourself, “how did I spend so much money?!”
The first time I sat down and considered building a budget, I was stumped. I had no idea where to start, what should be on it, and frankly, how it was going to help me.
Congratulations! You are on your way to deciding to be financially free by paying off your debt once and for all. But UGH if only you could make more money right?!
Being a student can be a magical time. You get to meet new people, learn new and challenging things, and have new experiences. And once you get a higher educational degree, it benefits your life.
When I started budgeting five years ago, I knew I was going to need an app, a spreadsheet, or bare minimum a piece of paper and a pencil that allowed me to keep track of the money I had coming in and going out.
In our society today, being in debt is accepted as a way of life. You take out student loans, you sign onto a big mortgage, and you swipe your credit card like you're Bill Gates without a second thought.