Hi! I’m Amy.

I’m a 30-something Midwesterner, self-proclaimed budget-nista, currently living on the East Coast in Charleston, SC. After finding myself in some pretty serious debt waters 5 years ago I decided it was time to get my financial life in shape. I managed to pay off over $77K, buy a house, and finally proclaim I am debt free (minus that pesky student loan I am aggressively paying off).

Throughout this whole process I started talking about money to anyone who would listen. What were their budget strategies? Did they have any suggestions about how to get out of debt faster? How did all those other people living debt-free lives do it? So what started as a personal journey 5 years ago, turned into a way of life that I am just so passionate about – helping people live that debt-free life too!

I hope you come along for the journey. So subscribe to my weekly newsletter or check out my instagram page for tips and ways you too can live a powerful financial life of your own. Go live the life that makes you happy and healthy!


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