When I started budgeting five years ago, I knew I was going to need an app, a spreadsheet, or bare minimum a piece of paper and a pencil that allowed me to keep track of the money I had coming in and going out.
In our society today, being in debt is accepted as a way of life. You take out student loans, you sign onto a big mortgage, and you swipe your credit card like you're Bill Gates without a second thought.
Had you told me five years ago that building a budget would make my life simpler, I would have laughed out loud.
There are a million ways to budget, and no budget is one-size-fits-all. So before you even dive into this article, I have to say - build a budget, any budget, and do it today!
It’s a story I’ve heard too many times before. I’m in a conversation with another friend who has confided in me that they are in debt, and it’s keeping them up at night.
Alright ladies and gentleman, I have a confession to make. I’m 33 years old and I got married 5 years ago and never told anyone.